The guide below is for Windows (Windows 10 or 11 is recommended). Other PC operating systems may have different ways of installing Python.

In order to run the games offline (if they don't require an active Internet connection), you need to create a local server.

1. Follow this guide to install Python. Remember to choose "Add Python to PATH".

2. Open command prompt by clicking the Start button (or pressing the Windows key + R), then type cmd.
(Or install Windows Terminal from Microsoft Store and search it in the Start menu on Windows 10/11.)

3. Visit this link to download.

4. Extract the ZIP file to your favorite location, and copy/remember that location for the next step.

5. Back to command prompt. If the location is in the same drive as what's shown on the screen (C:\ for example), just type cd [your location here]. Otherwise, you need to type an extra command, [drive name here without "\"]. Example:

6. Enter python -m http.server. Wait until it shows Serving HTTP on :: port 8000 (http://[::]:8000/) ... (the port number may vary).

7. Visit http://localhost:8000 (default) on your browser. It should be working now.

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