In order to run the games offline (if they don't require an active Internet connection), you need to create a local server.
1. Follow this guide to install Python. Remember to choose "Add Python to PATH".
2. Open command prompt by clicking the Start button (or pressing the Windows key + R), then type cmd
(Or install Windows Terminal from Microsoft Store and search it in the Start menu on Windows 10/11.)
3. Visit this link to download.
4. Extract the ZIP file to your favorite location, and copy/remember that location for the next step.
5. Back to command prompt. If the location is in the same drive as what's shown on the screen (C:\ for example), just type cd [your location here]
. Otherwise, you need to type an extra command, [drive name here without "\"]
. Example:
6. Enter python -m http.server
. Wait until it shows Serving HTTP on :: port 8000 (http://[::]:8000/) ...
(the port number may vary).
7. Visit http://localhost:8000 (default) on your browser. It should be working now.